All manuscripts must be submitted via the journal’s online submission system, ScholarOne: The original or revised manuscript text may be uploaded as a PDF or Microsoft Word file, but the final manuscript text must be in Word format. Figures may be submitted separately in several other formats.
In submitting to JCEH, all authors agree that the work is original in presentation and content and that it has not been published elsewhere nor is it under consideration by another journal.
Authors submitting articles to JCEH agree that, upon article acceptance, they will transfer their copyright in the article to the Japanese Society of Lymphoreticular Tissue Research.
To aid in peer review, we invite authors to suggest potential reviewers of their manuscript (including affiliation, address, and email) in the online submission process. Authors also have the option of naming non-preferred reviewers.
Receipt of a manuscript is acknowledged by email. Please always include the manuscript number in any correspondence with the Editorial Office and in any revised manuscripts.
If you encounter any problems with online submission, please contact the Editorial Office.